Systemic Factors Limited

About Us

Systemic Factors Limited was incorporated in 2008 (formerly called TOD Safety Engineering Limited)

We are a company specialising in both support and training in human factors and safety investigation in high reliability industries.

At Systemic Factors we are dedicated to restoring the reputation of human factors, which we feel has been downgraded across different domains over many years. We strive to ensure that labels used to blame people, whether inadvertently or otherwise, are avoided. Labels such as ‘loss of situational awareness’ and ‘lack of assertiveness’, although they may be well intended, often cause more harm than good.

We firmly believe that people make decisions that they felt were right at the time, in the local conditions they were working in. We feel that all decisions are influenced by systemic factors.


We are one of only a few consultancies powered by green energy. Our offices are powered by 21 solar panels and when it is not sunny, our energy company, Ecotricity, do the rest. For those unfamiliar with Ecotricity, they “turn bills into mills”. See here for more details: Bills into Mills | Ecotricity.

As far as possible, we use public transport for our journeys to clients’ bases and for a large proportion of our other travels, we use all-electric vehicles charged up at our offices by the sun (when we see it!).

We recycle everything from toilet roll cardboard through to soft plastics. We are currently renovating and attempting to convert our office to meet the EnerPHit standards (EnerPHit – the Passive House Certificate for Retrofits). This is part of an attempt to make our operations as carbon neutral as possible. We are proud to be working closely with Ecovert Solutions as our green partner, with this and other projects. See here for more details: Renewables | Ecovert Solutions.

Interested in booking one of our courses?

Visit our Industry Services and Patient Safety Services pages to read more about what we can offer your organisation.