Systemic Factors Limited

Our Services

All available online or in-person

Human Factors Support and Training

  • ‘Fit for purpose’ assessment of: equipment, work environments, process, procedures and tasks through end-user management
  • Bespoke systemic-human-factors training for your organisation
  • Standardised systemic-human-factors training in modular format

Investigation Support and Coaching

  • Critical review of your previous investigation approaches/reports with improvement strategies for future investigations
  • Review of recorded interviews with feedback on how to improve future interactions between interviewers and interviewees
  • Support for new or ongoing investigations from planning through to writing successful reports and achievable action plans

Investigation Training

  • Bespoke investigation training for your organisation from investigation preparation through to writing effective recommendations and implementation strategies
  • Standardised investigation training in modular format

Culture Assessment and Training

  • Assessment of cultural factors including: attitudes, values, and beliefs and how these are affecting behaviours, at various levels, in your organisation
  • Just and restorative cultural training
  • Safety leadership training